Iza Island Wave

Returning for a 4th Year Island Wave is a platform that provides funding and resources to Caribbean Creatives to be able to showcase internationally while creating spaces on stages that would not usually cater to such a line-up or genre.

  • Island Wave presents "Sounds of the Caribbean"
    8pm - 8:30pm Reggae Music Again Collective
    8:30pm - 8.55pm Hector "Roots" Lewis
    9pm - 9.25pm Prince Amine
    9.25pm - 9.35pm Band Change
    9.35pm - 10pm Mauvey
    10pm - 10.30pm Reggae Music Again Collective
    10.30pm - 11pm Sevana
    11pm - 11.30pm Reggae Music Again Collective
    11.30pm - 12am XAV
    12am - 12.30am Kanis
    12.30am - 1am J Perry
    1am - 2am Reggae Music Again Collective After Party


    Flamingo Cantina
    515 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701

  • Island Wave Soho House Takeover Austin
    4-4:20 pm Ras Jamin of Reggae Music Again Collective
    4:20-4:45pm Mauvey
    4:45 - 5:10pm XAV
    5:15 - 5:40pm Prince Amine
    5:40 - 6pm Ras Jamin of Reggae Music Again Collective


    Soho House Austin
    1011 S Congress Avenue, Building 2, Suite 100
